This blog is the last in a series of blogs recognizing Ruthi Neely, Circle 555 Statewide Coordinator, as she enters retirement. Thank you to Lori Hall who wrote this blog about Ruthi as her teacher, mentor, and friend.

Ruthi Neely is one of my heroes of the faith! I met her in the early stages of my marriage. My husband and I sat under the teaching of Ruthi and her husband, Bob, in our Sunday School class. They were a dynamic duo and complimented each other perfectly; Bob would walk us through the Scripture and Ruthi would teach us how to apply it in our lives. Not only did we learn so much from them about establishing a Christian marriage, but we were loved and cared for so well by them. They opened their home to us and were so generous with their time and resources—all while raising six kids of their own.

As I left the workplace and had children, I quickly realized the need for community with other young moms. I pleaded with Ruthi to start a Bible Study for young mothers, and she gracefully made that happen. We met at the church on Tuesday mornings, and we were able to fellowship with other moms and grow in our faith. Ruthi was always so encouraging to us, and she reminded us that we aren’t perfect; only Jesus is! She gave grace to us when we did not finish our Bible Study homework, and, likewise, she taught us to give grace to ourselves, as well as to our children and our husbands. Ruthi was great at creating an environment where everyone felt welcomed and known, and she taught us how to love unconditionally, forgive others, and serve generously.

Lori Hall (far left) and her family.

Ruthi’s passion for teaching was always powerfully evident, and her ability to connect scripture to our lives is truly remarkable. She knew when to offer a comforting word, a smile, and a prayer. Her encouragement meant so much to me during challenging times. I still vividly remember her talking me off a ledge nearly 30 years ago when worry was consuming me. She was so patient and made sure I knew that I was loved and understood in a way that brought comfort to me.

I will be forever grateful for Ruthi as a teacher, mentor, and friend. She taught me how to follow Jesus and how to be a godly wife and mom. Her unwavering commitment to loving me where I was, her compassion for others, and her deep faith have left an indelible mark on my life.