Delivering Grace: A Call to Biblical Stewardship

Do you ever think about the person who delivers your packages? Like a UPS driver entrusted with our deliveries, we, too, are entrusted by God with resources—time, abilities, and possessions. This blog, written by Bobby McDonald, explores Biblical stewardship and the greater call on our lives.

The Christmas Onion

We are thankful to Hugh Brantley, SCCF co-founder and member of the Board of Directors, for sharing this heartfelt Christmas story inspired by his experience of being lost on his way to an event. His story beautifully highlights God’s faithfulness and mercy, as well as the love and compassion shown by His people.

A Tale of Two Storms

Here on this side of heaven, storms come, and storms go, and sometimes they leave a path of destruction. The effects can be physical, emotional, and spiritual. Sometimes we are left wondering why. In the Gospel of Mark, another set of storms occur, but the response to each is different. Where was Jesus when fear set in? This blog shares a perspective on two storms and how, with faith, we can step out onto the water and meet Jesus there.

God Has a Place for You

God's desire to reconcile man to Himself has always been to use people to accomplish his purposes and plans. God uses people to share the truth about who Jesus is; to teach and preach the gospel. God uses people to show compassion by helping people in need. Continue reading to learn how God uses all of us to share in the Great Commission.

Lessons from Honeybees

Our next blog is written by Dee Dee Rinehart, Circle 555 York County Coordinator, who shares with us lessons she has learned from observing honeybees, studying beekeeping, and how that parallels our Circle 555 women’s ministry.

You Can’t Give Away What You Haven’t Received

Though we often find ourselves in places that look and feel like “wrong places,” it is there that we see and experience most clearly, the One True God. As we work in and through our weaknesses, we ultimately find an invitation to receive, and having fully received we can then give from a “right place.”

Hero of the Faith

This is the last of the series of blog posts recognizing and celebrating Ruthi Neely, Circle 555 Statewide Coordinator, as she retires. This blog is written by Lori Hall who knew Ruthi as a teacher, mentor, and friend.

Ruthi Neely—Sister and Friend

As Ruthi Neely, Circle 555 Statewide Coordinator, enters retirement, we are sharing several blog posts honoring her legacy. This blog is written by Kitty Cash, Ruthi’s sister-in-law and friend.

A Life and Ministry of Teaching

We continue to honor Ruthi Neely, Circle 555 Statewide Coordinator, as she enters retirement. Ruthi is recognized as a teacher of God’s Word in this blog through The Elizabeth Project. We want to thank Jane Mathis for sharing her thoughts on Ruthi as a teacher.

Ruthi Neely—Servant and Mentor

As Ruthi Neely, Circle 555 Statewide Coordinator enters retirement, we asked several ladies to write a blog sharing her impact on them. As a mentor, leader, teacher, and friend. Enjoy the first of several blogs to come! This one is written by Tracey Wert, someone Ruthi has mentored for many years!

Where Your Treasure Is…

As we steward the Lord's resources, He invites us to live in a responsive posture before His Spirit and to prayerfully seek His desires for all that He has entrusted to us.

The Beautiful Journey of Giving

Responsive stewardship. What does God say about how we steward what He has entrusted to us? For many, this is a journey as we learn more about our identity in Christ and what He calls us to do with what He has provided.

Our next blog, written by Joe E Hines, Jr., Managing Advisor at Global View Investment Advisors, explores his stewardship journey and how he shares this with his clients, leaving us with questions to ask ourselves as we discern our own generous giving.

Transforming Communities Through the Gospel – The SCCF Difference

Just as a bank manages financial transactions, South Carolina Christian Foundation can help make charitable transactions more effective and efficient. We are more than a charitable partner and do more than transactional work. Learn more about how we unify efforts and improve the lives of our neighbors through the Gospel of Christ.

Generous Giving—Time, Talent, and Treasure

Am I simply a hearer of God’s Word? Or am I moving on how God is convicting me? And if I am not moving, am I satisfied with simply checking my box of treasure only? No time, no talent?  

The Heart and Essence of Ministry to Ministries

Ministry to Ministries is committed to walking alongside ministry leaders to provide soul care centered on the wisdom, love, and support of Christ. As we enter another decade of serving, we are excited to launch a new logo that exemplifies the heart of Ministry to Ministries.

God's Faithfulness

Caring for elderly parents is a new phase of life for adult children, a different season, and brings with it several trials and struggles. It takes time, patience, and understanding. But through these hardships, God's providence is evident.

Collective Giving Through Community Trust

SCCF was founded to financially support and raise awareness of local Christian ministries serving Spartanburg County. By 2003, an opportunity was created for collective giving to support ministries by giving through one common fund—the Community Trust Fund. As we look forward to this new chapter for SCCF, we are excited to launch our first Community Trust logo and share its meaning.